From the makers: "Jack-in-the-Pulpit and Green Dragon are part of the Arum or Araceae family and are mostly native to tropical regions; North America is home to only a small number of species. Within the Arum family, the Arisaema genus has only two North American species: Jack-in-the-Pulpit and Green Dragon (Arisaema dracontium). Jack-in-the-Pulpit and Green Dragon, like all plants in the Arisaema genus, have a rare and unique physical trait that sets them apart from most other plants in the world: sequential hermaphroditism. While hermaphroditic plants are common, only sequential hermaphrodites are capable of changing their sex entirely. Other hermaphroditic plants remain hermaphroditic plants remain hermaphroditic throughout their lives, but sequential hermaphrodites may be female one year, male the next two years, then female again. Gender variance is natural."
This charming seed paper card brought to you by Small Victories, who donate 10% of the profits to ecological organizations. Folded card is 4.25" x 5.5". Printed on plantable post-consumer paper, which is embedded with culinary herb seeds. Comes with a 100% recycled kraft envelope.
To Plant: Cover with 1/8" of soil in full to partial sun and keep moist until the seeds establish. The seeds include parsley, chive, and basil seeds. Seeds have a shelf life of 2 years.
RIP At end of life, card can be planted or composted & envelope can be composted or recycled. Colored paper not recommended for vermicomposting/worm bins.